

Namespace: global

Json serialization

Nested types and modules


VARIANT-like type with dynamic accessor (?) to fields


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
append sb c
Signature: sb:StringBuilder -> c:char -> unit
appendS sb s
Signature: sb:StringBuilder -> s:string -> unit
choose f j
Signature: f:(String * Json -> 'a option) -> j:Json -> seq<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

performs a pre-order traversal and evaulates the given function for each Json node collects the results in a sequence if 'Some' value is returned by the function the given function accepts a string (name) and json (value); name is empty for the root object

errorOut msg (arg2, arg3)
Signature: msg:string -> (int * string) -> '?7343
Type parameters: '?7343
isArray _arg1
Signature: _arg1:Json -> bool

shortcut test to see if the Json object is an array

jval o
Signature: o:obj -> Json

build Json object tree recursively from passed F# object

newSb ()
Signature: unit -> StringBuilder
parse s
Signature: s:String -> Json

parse a string into a Json object hiererchy

serialize json
Signature: json:Json -> string

serialize Json object into string

Signature: char []
Signature: char []
Signature: char []

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |CToken|_| ) c (arg2, arg3)
Signature: c:char -> (int * string) -> (int * string) option
( |PJsonArray| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> Json array * Strn
( |PJsonNumber|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> (Json * (int * string)) option
( |PJsonObject| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> Map<string,Json> * Strn
( |PJsonSlot|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> ((string * Json) * (int * string)) option
( |PJsonString|_| ) (start, str)
Signature: (start:int * str:string) -> (string * (int * string)) option
( |PJsonValue|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> (Json * (int * string)) option
( |PPArrayValue|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> (Json * (int * string)) option
( |PPSlotValue|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> (Json * (int * string)) option
( |Star|_| ) f acc s
Signature: f:('?7345 -> ('?7346 * '?7345) option) -> acc:'?7346 list -> s:'?7345 -> ('?7346 list * '?7345) option
Type parameters: '?7345, '?7346
( |Star2|_| ) f acc s
Signature: f:('?7348 -> (('?7349 * '?7350) * '?7348) option) -> acc:Map<'?7349,'?7350> -> s:'?7348 -> (Map<'?7349,'?7350> * '?7348) option
Type parameters: '?7348, '?7349, '?7350
( |TkFalse|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> (bool * (int * string)) option
( |TkTrue|_| ) (arg1, arg2)
Signature: (int * string) -> (bool * (int * string)) option
( |Token|_| ) pattern (arg2, arg3)
Signature: pattern:char array -> (int * string) -> (int * string) option
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