

Namespace: FsShelter.Extras
Parent Module: Components

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
mkAggregator read (using, input, out)
Signature: read:('?7728 -> '?7729 -> '?7730 -> Async<'?7731>) -> (using:(('?7728 -> '?7731) -> '?7732) * input:'?7730 * out:'?7729) -> '?7732
Type parameters: '?7728, '?7729, '?7730, '?7731, '?7732

Aggregate inputs and/or emit at any time. input: incoming tuple. out: do something with the output. using: provide context for the select. transform: transform the input using a context.

mkJoiner toKey
Signature: toKey:('?7722 -> '?7723) -> ('?7722 -> '?7724 option -> bool * '?7725) -> ('?7723 -> '?7722 -> '?7725 -> '?7726) -> '?7722 * ('?7726 -> unit) -> unit
Type parameters: '?7722, '?7723, '?7724, '?7725, '?7726

Join multiple streams into a single output. toKey: select a key from the input tuple. toOutput: select output tuple. aggregate: join new tuple to available tuples and return the (complete,result).

mkJoinerWith (...)
Signature: (ttl:(type) * numberOfAgents:int) -> toKey:('?7716 -> '?7717) -> aggregate:('?7716 -> '?7718 option -> bool * '?7719) -> toOutput:('?7717 -> '?7716 -> '?7719 -> '?7720) -> '?7716 * ('?7720 -> unit) -> unit
Type parameters: '?7716, '?7717, '?7718, '?7719, '?7720

Join multiple streams into a single output. toKey: select a key from the input tuple (has to privide meaningful conversion to string!). toOutput: select output tuple. aggregate: join new tuple to available tuples and return the (complete,result). ttl: time to live for cached data numberOfAgents: parallelism for mailbox processor doing the join input: incoming tuple.

mkNotifier ofTuple (input, publish)
Signature: ofTuple:('?7710 -> '?7711) -> (input:'?7710 * publish:(type)) -> unit
Type parameters: '?7710, '?7711

Create a simple publisher bolt that always publishes to the same topic. ofTuple: conversion function publisher: event stream publisher

mkPersister persist (using, input)
Signature: persist:('?7699 -> '?7700 -> Async<'?7701>) -> (using:(('?7699 -> Async<'?7701>) -> '?7702) * input:'?7700) -> '?7702
Type parameters: '?7699, '?7700, '?7701, '?7702

Persist the input in the given context. input: incoming tuple. using: provides call context for update. persist: persit the input using specified context.

mkSignalAggregator signals
Signature: signals:bigint list -> 't -> bigint list option -> bool * bigint list
Type parameters: 't

Join aggregator for signals

mkTopicNotifier (...)
Signature: ofTuple:('?7713 -> '?7714 * string) -> (input:'?7713 * mkPublish:(string -> (type))) -> unit
Type parameters: '?7713, '?7714

Create a publisher bolt that formats a topic at runtime ofTuple: conversion function for message and topic format parameter input: incoming tuple mkPublish: function taking formatted topic and returning event stream publisher

mkTransformer (...)
Signature: transform:('?7704 -> '?7705 -> Async<'?7706>) -> (using:(('?7704 -> Async<unit>) -> '?7708) * input:'?7705 * out:('?7707 -> unit)) -> '?7708
Type parameters: '?7704, '?7705, '?7706, '?7707, '?7708

Transform input into a seq and emit. input: incoming tuple. out: do something with the output. using: provide context for the select. transform: transform the input using a context.