

Namespace: FsShelter

Dispatch functions for spouts and bolts

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
autoAckBolt (...)
Signature: mkArgs:((LogLevel -> string -> unit) -> 'b -> 'c -> ('d -> unit) -> 'e) -> consume:('e -> unit) -> (getAnchors:(string * string -> string -> string list) * act:'c option * deact:'c option) -> getStream:('d -> string) -> conf:'b -> out:(OutCommand<'d> -> unit) -> InCommand<'c> -> unit
Type parameters: 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e

Dispatch bolt commands and auto ack/nack handled messages

autoNackBolt mkArgs consume conf out
Signature: mkArgs:((LogLevel -> string -> unit) -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> consume:('d -> unit) -> conf:'b -> out:(OutCommand<'e> -> unit) -> InCommand<'c> -> unit
Type parameters: 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e

Dispatch bolt commands and auto-nack all incoming messages

reliableSpout (...)
Signature: mkArgs:((LogLevel -> string -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b) -> mkAcker:('b -> (string -> unit) * (string -> unit)) -> deactivate:('b -> unit) -> next:('b -> (string * 'c) option) -> getStream:('c -> string) -> conf:'a -> out:(OutCommand<'c> -> unit) -> InCommand<'d> -> unit
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd

Dispatch spout commands and handle acknowledgements

unreliableSpout (...)
Signature: mkArgs:((LogLevel -> string -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b) -> deactivate:('b -> unit) -> next:('b -> 'c option) -> getStream:('c -> string) -> conf:'a -> out:(OutCommand<'c> -> unit) -> InCommand<'d> -> unit
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd

Dispatch commands for spouts that don't provide unique ids to emitted tuples

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