

Namespace: FsShelter

Converters into GraphViz

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
exportToDot (...)
Signature: (writeHeader:('?7874 -> Topology<'?7875> -> unit) * writeFooter:('?7874 -> Topology<'?7875> -> '?7876) * writeSpout:('?7874 -> ComponentId -> Spout<'?7875> -> unit) * writeBolt:('?7874 -> ComponentId -> Bolt<'?7875> -> unit) * writeStream:('?7874 -> StreamId * ComponentId -> Stream<'?7875> -> unit)) -> writer:'?7874 -> topology:Topology<'?7875> -> '?7876
Type parameters: '?7874, '?7875, '?7876

send the topology to a given writer in GraphViz DOT format

getColour colours
Signature: colours:string [] -> string -> string

lookup a colour based on a stream id

Signature: string []

X11 colours

writeBolt writer id b
Signature: writer:(type) -> id:string -> b:Bolt<'?7884> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7884

node statement for a bolt

writeColourfulStream (...)
Signature: getColour:(string -> string) -> writer:(type) -> (('?7892 * string) * '?7893) -> st:Stream<'?7894> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7892, '?7893, '?7894

colourized edge statement for a stream

writeColourizedToConsole t
Signature: t:Topology<'?7898> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7898

put together default implementations with colour to write to STDOUT

writeFooter writer arg2
Signature: writer:(type) -> Topology<'?7880> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7880

closing graph statement

writeHeader writer t
Signature: writer:(type) -> t:Topology<'?7878> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7878

opening graph statement

writeSpout writer id s
Signature: writer:(type) -> id:string -> s:Spout<'?7882> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7882

node statement for a spout

writeStream writer (arg2, arg3) st
Signature: writer:(type) -> (('?7886 * string) * '?7887) -> st:Stream<'?7888> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7886, '?7887, '?7888

edge statement for a stream

writeToConsole t
Signature: t:Topology<'?7896> -> unit
Type parameters: '?7896

put together default implementations to write to STDOUT

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