

Namespace: FsShelter
Parent Module: DSL

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
ofExternal comp
Signature: comp:Component<'t> -> Spout<'t>
Type parameters: 't

define a spout for a (external) shell or java component

runReliable (...)
Signature: mkArgs:((LogLevel -> string -> unit) -> Conf -> 'args) -> mkAcker:('args -> Acker) -> deactivate:('args -> unit) -> next:Next<'args,(string * 't)> -> Spout<'t>
Type parameters: 'args, 't

define a reliable spout mkArgs: one-time construction of arguments that will be passed into each next() call. mkAcker: one time construction of Ack*Nack handlers (using the args). next: spout function that returns an id*tuple option.

runUnreliable mkArgs deactivate next
Signature: mkArgs:((LogLevel -> string -> unit) -> Conf -> 'args) -> deactivate:('args -> unit) -> next:Next<'args,'t> -> Spout<'t>
Type parameters: 'args, 't

define spout with no processing guarantees mkArgs: one-time construction of arguments that will be passed into each next() call. next: spout function that returns a tuple option.

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