

Namespace: FsShelter

File system utilities

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
aggregate includes binDir
Signature: includes:seq<('?7908 -> '?7909)> -> binDir:'?7908 -> seq<'?7910>
Type parameters: '?7908, '?7909, '?7910

aggreate result of multiple includes

buildOutput filter binDir
Signature: filter:(string -> bool) -> binDir:string -> seq<string * string>

generate list of files (from*to) using the given filter and the typical build output folder filter: filename filter function (returns true to include). binDir: binaries (assemblies) folder.

defaultExtensions fileName
Signature: fileName:string -> bool

filter: include most commmon .NET files only

jarContents pathname binDir
Signature: pathname:string -> binDir:string -> seq<string * string>

include a content of another JAR file with absolute pathname.

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