

Namespace: FsShelter

Nimbus client module

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: int
kill nimbus name
Signature: nimbus:Client -> name:string -> unit

kill a running topology

submit (...)
Signature: nimbus:Client -> conf:Map<'?7917,'?7918> -> uploadedJarLocation:string -> (name:string * topology:StormTopology) -> unit
Type parameters: '?7917, '?7918

sumit a topology

uploadJar nimbus jarFile
Signature: nimbus:Client -> jarFile:string -> string

upload the packaged jar to Nimbus and return the location on the server

withClient nimbusHost nimbusPort cont
Signature: nimbusHost:string -> nimbusPort:int -> cont:(Client -> '?7922) -> '?7922
Type parameters: '?7922

establish Nimbus (a storm service) connection over thrift protocol and execute the passed action using it

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