

Namespace: global

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
exportToDot (...)
Signature: writeHeader:(TextWriter -> Topology -> unit) -> writeFooter:(TextWriter -> Topology -> '?7187) -> writeSpout:(TextWriter -> SpoutSpec -> unit) -> writeBolt:(TextWriter -> BoltSpec -> unit) -> writeStream:(TextWriter -> StreamId * Grouping * string -> unit) -> writer:TextWriter -> topology:Topology -> '?7187
Type parameters: '?7187

send the topology to a given writer in GraphViz DOT format

writeBolt writer b
Signature: writer:TextWriter -> b:BoltSpec -> unit

node statement for a bolt

writeFooter writer arg2
Signature: writer:TextWriter -> Topology -> unit

closing graph statement

writeHeader writer t
Signature: writer:TextWriter -> t:Topology -> unit

opening graph statement

writeSpout writer s
Signature: writer:TextWriter -> s:SpoutSpec -> unit

node statement for a spout

writeStream writer (src, arg3, dst)
Signature: writer:TextWriter -> (src:StreamId * Grouping * dst:string) -> unit

edge statement for a stream

Signature: Topology -> unit

put together default implementations to write to STDOUT

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