

Namespace: global

Runtime support

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
findComponent cfg
Signature: cfg:Configuration -> String
getComponentName ()
Signature: unit -> string
run (...)
Signature: exeName:string -> optionalArgs:string list -> topology:Topology -> commandLineArgs:string [] -> int

meant to be invoked from the main function of the host exe

runComponent runMap
Signature: runMap:Map<String,(Configuration -> Async<unit>)> -> unit
runMap topology
Signature: topology:Topology -> Map<string,(Configuration -> Async<unit>)>
sleep ()
Signature: unit -> '?7181
Type parameters: '?7181
submit (...)
Signature: name:string -> topology:StormTopology -> host:string -> port:int -> uploadedJarLocation:string -> unit
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